Basque Burnt Cheese Cake. The unmistakable unique looking Basque Burnt Cheesecake with its deeply caramelised top that challenges the concept of the perfect baked cheesecake has been on my mind. I first tasted burnt Basque cheesecake long before it became world-famous. Now it even has its own hashtag on Instagram!
Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Basque Burnt Cheese Cake dengan 6 langkah. Yuk disimak cara mengolahnya.
It's a crustless cheesecake that's starting to become a trend in the US.
WIth a burnt top and custardy center, this Basque Cheesecake recipe comes together from a handful of ingredients in a matter of minutes.
Chef John turns up the heat on cheesecake by baking it the Basque way, delivering a "burnt" and bittersweet exterior that complements the creamy, light inside.
Kamu bisa membuat Basque Burnt Cheese Cake menggunakan 7 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 6 cara mudah untuk memasaknya. Yuk disimak
Bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengolah Basque Burnt Cheese Cake
- Siapkan 200 gr cream cheese (me Homemade) (lihat resep).
- Ambil 120 ml heavy krim/whipped cream cair.
- Siapkan 75 gr gula kastor (butiran halus).
- Tambahkan 2 butir telur berat 100 gr.
- Siapkan 1 butir kuning telur.
- Tambahkan 1 sdt vanili extra.
- Siapkan 5 gr tepung terigu (me ½ sdm).
Basque burnt cheesecakes are well known to be the easiest cheesecake to make. They're everything a normal cheesecake isn't—simple, quick and, most importantly, burnt. A simple cheesecake that is the opposite of what you would imagine the perfect cheesecake to be. Overly dark on the top, no biscuit or sponge base.
Cara mengolah Basque Burnt Cheese Cake
- Siapkan loyang bulat/wadah stainless 👇🏻 diameter 15 cm alasi baking papper tidak perlu rapi.panaskan oven di suhu 220 derajat!!!.
- Mixer cream cheese dan gula pasir sampai lembutt pakai speed rendah(saya pakai whisk aja).
- Tambahkan telur dan kuning telur,mix lagi sampai lembut pakai speed rendah 👇🏻 tambahkan vanili extra aduk lagi😉.
- Masukan heavy krim/whipped cream cair aduk lagi baru masukkan tepung terigu aduk sampai tercampur rata (tekstur adonan memang cair ya).
- Tuang di loyang panggang selama 25-30 menit api atas bawah,cek di menit ke 25 kalo bagian atasnya sudah gosong ganti api bawah aja..
- Karena saya pakai otang tanpa pengatur suhu 🤭 jadi saya pakai api sedang dan panggang'a sekitar 45-50 menit(sering cek aja liat permukaannya 😉) setelah matang keluarkan dari oven biarkan sampai dingin baru masukan kulkas minimal 8 jam😉saya buatnya malam jadi pagi baru di potong 🤭.
I would say this is the probably the easiest cake to make. I think the failure rate is very low, probably zero. "This "burnt" cheesecake from the Basque Country doesn't require making a crust, so it's a super easy recipe! It doesn't need much time to cool and it doesn't matter if the surface. The Burnt Basque Cheesecake takes everything you thought you knew about cheesecake recipe etiquette and flips it on its head - it wants to get burnt, loves to crack. Basque burnt cheesecake is very creamy, rich and really easy to make.