Thai Tea. Get Organic Thai Tea Mix today with Drive Up, Pick Up or Same Day Delivery. Thai tea is a Thai drink made from tea, milk and sugar, and served hot or cold. It is popular in Southeast Asia and is served in many restaurants that serve Thai food.
Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Thai Tea dengan 7 langkah. Yuk disimak cara membuatnya.
Thai iced tea is a sunny day essential, especially when paired with a spicy dish like pasta with peanut sauce or chicken curry.
This sweet, spicy and creamy Thai tea recipe will become your go-to beverage.
Thai iced tea is a drink that's deliciously sweet and refreshing.
Kamu bisa mengolah Thai Tea menggunakan 6 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 7 cara sederhana untuk membuatnya. Mari disimak
Bahan-bahan untuk membuat Thai Tea
- Ambil 1 kaleng susu evaporasi merk F&N.
- Ambil 1/2 kaleng susu kental manis Carnation.
- Ambil 5 sdm bubuk teh Chatramue.
- Siapkan 300 ml air matang.
- Tambahkan 400 ml air mentah.
- Tambahkan Secukupnya es batu.
Surprisingly easy to make at home. The base of a Thai iced tea is tea, spices, and (surprise, surprise!) food coloring. Thai tea comes out a dark red color when brewed but the addition of milk turns it into bright orange. Thai Tea (also known as Thai Iced Tea) is a popular iced drink hailing from Thailand, commonly found in Thai restaurants across the US.
Cara membuat Thai Tea
- Siapkan bahan2...
- Masak 400 ml air sampai mendidih, lalu matikan kompor.. Masukkan 5 sdm bubuk teh chatramue, tutup panci.. diamkan sekitar 5 menit.
- Saring teh, masukkan kedalam wadah.
- Tambahkan 300 ml air matang dan 1 kaleng susu evaporasi F&N.
- Masukkan setengah kaleng susu kental manis Carnation, aduk rata, cicipi rasanya.. sesuaikan dengan selera masing2 yaaa... Tambahkan susu jika kurang manis...
- Masukkan kedalam gelas, tambahkan secukupnya es batu.. sueeegeerrrr 🍹🍹🤤😅.
- Klo ingin tampilan atasnya sedikit berbusa, bisa diblender sebentar yaaa....
The deep amber color of the tea and its milk-tinted upper layer make this beverage really stand out on your table, and the combination of strongly-brewed tea, dairy and sugar make it a perfect complement to hot weather and spicy food. Thai tea is a popular traditional beverage in Thailand that is served either hot or cold and is generally prepared with tea, sugar, and milk. While those ingredients don't sound particularly interesting or unique, the tea blend tends to be a local Ceylon variety, and there are many other ingredients, spices or alterations that are made. Similar to hot Thai tea, real Thai iced tea is a mix of black tea, spices, sugar, sweetened condensed milk, and evaporated milk. It's a great drink for fans of masala chai and other spiced or milky black teas.